Banat Swabians

The Banat Swabians are an ethnic German population in Southeast Europe, part of the Danube Swabians. They emigrated in the 18th century to what was then the Austrian Banat province, which had been left sparsely populated by the wars with Turkey. This once strong and important ethnic Banat Swabian minority has now become quite small. Most of its members were expelled to the West by the Soviet Union and its subsidiaries after World War II. Others left for economic and emotional reasons after 1990. At the end of World War I, in 1918, an attempt was made by the Swabian minority to establish an independent Banat Republic; however, the province was divided according to the Wilsonian Principles of autodetermination (this is the wish of the majority population), by the Treaty of Versailles of 1919, and the Treaty of Trianon of 1920. The greater part was annexed by Romania, a smaller part by former Yugoslavia, and a small region around Szeged remained part of Hungary. The German-speaking community of Banat met in Timisoara and their representatives swore to be loyal to the enlarged Romanian Kingdom.[1]


Banat and the Danube Swabians

The Banat colonists are often grouped with other German-speaking ethnic groups in the area under the name Danube Swabians. Besides the Banat, these groups lived in nearby western Bačka in Vojvodina, Serbia, in Swabian Turkey (present-day southern Hungary), in Slavonia, (present-day Croatia), and in Satu Mare, Romania. All of these areas were under Austrian rule when the immigrants were encouraged to settle among local populations into the lands newly recovered from Turkish rule.

The colonists’ origins and recruitment

The immigrants were encouraged to settle in the Banat by the Austrian Emperors in the 18th century in order to populate a frontier province bordering the Turkish empire, and to modify the ethnic and religious composition of this newly conquered region. They were offered free land and other benefits. One important requirement for them was that they had to be Roman Catholic, as were the Italian and the Spanish immigrants to the same region.[1] Most of the German settlers came from Alsace-Lorraine, Austria, Bavaria, Franconia, and the Palatinate. A small group can be traced to Middle Germany. However, comparatively few came from the Swabian regions of what was then known as Further Austria. It is thus unclear how the group came to be called the Banat Swabians. Most likely it is because the majority registered and embarked from the Swabian city of Ulm. They were then transported on the Ulmer Schachteln (barges) down the Danube to Belgrade, where they set off on foot for their new homes.

The colonists were generally younger sons of poor farming families, who saw little chance of success in their native lands. Under Maria Theresa, they received financial support and long-term tax relief. Many of the earliest immigrants never married, since there were few women among them. Craftsmen were financially encouraged, as were teachers, doctors, and other professionals.

Those who came from French-speaking or linguistically mixed communes in Lorraine, maintained the French language (labelled Banat French or Français du Banat), as well as a separate ethnic identity for several generations.[2]

Beginning with 1893, because of the Magyarisation policies of the nationalistic Hungarian State, Banat Swabians began to move to Bulgaria, where they settled in the village of Bardarski Geran, Vratsa Province, founded earlier by Banat Bulgarians. Their number eventually exceeded 90 families. In 1929 they built a separate Roman Catholic church after disagreements with Bulgarian Catholics. Some of these German-speaking families later moved to Tsarev Brod, Shumen Province along with a handful of Banat Bulgarian families, to another Banat Bulgarian village, Gostilya, Pleven Province. Between 1941 and 1943, 2,150 ethnic German Bulgarian citizens were transferred to Germany as part of Hitler's Heim ins Reich policy. These included 164 Banat Swabians from Bardarski Geran and 33 from Gostilya.

Banat Swabians 1920-1944

The Treaty of Trianon of 1920 was the beginning of the end for the Swabians of Banat. The collapse of the Austro-Hungarian rule and its replacement by Romanian rule had some benefits. In the late 19th century, Hungary had undergone a period of rapid Magyarization, during which it attempted to assimilate all its minorities. Schools were required to teach only in the Hungarian language. Under Romanian rule, ethnic Banat Swabian could have German-language schools for the first time since 1868. Banat Swabian culture flourished. Once again there was a German language theatre in Timişoara, and across the Banat, more Banat Swabian newspapers were established. In 1921 a cultural association called the "Verband der Deutschen in Rumaenien" (Union of Germans in Romania) was founded.[1]

Economically, however, things did not go well in Romania, as in Europe. Black Friday and the subsequent financial crises of the 1930s hit the Banat hard. Many Swabians left the Banat to work in Argentina, Brazil, and the United States, never to return.

Also after 1933, the Nazi Party was able to gain a lot of influence among the ethnic Germans of Eastern Europe, including the Banat Swabians. During the Second World War, many were enrolled into the Romanian Army and served on the Eastern Front. After 1943, a German-Romanian treaty allowed them to serve instead within the Wehrmacht or the SS trops, even without giving up their Romanian citizenship. Some were virtually forced to serve in the SS: they felt to be threatened with sanctions against their families if they refused. Towards the end of the war, some Banat Swabians openly opposed the Nazis, who executed a number of them in Jimbolia (Hatzfeld).

Banat Swabians who served the Nazis gained notoriety for crimes against Jews and Serbs during the Banat (1941–1944) period. Led by the infamous 7th SS Volunteer Mountain Division Prinz Eugen, they alienated themselves from their non-Banat Swabian neighbors. This was one of the reasons why Tito's Yugoslavia decided to continue the cycle of reprisal and revenge and incarcerate and starve all of the Banat Swabians in Yugoslavia.

Life after 1944


The Kingdom of Romania, formerly Germany's ally, joined the Allies on August 23, 1944. Overnight, all Banat Swabians in Romania became regarded as potential enemies of the state. The approach of the Red Army caused a flood of refugees to the safer Hitler's Germany.

By January 1945, the country was completely under Soviet control. Early 1945, under Stalin's orders, many Banat Swabians were expelled or deported to labor camps in the Soviet Union, where thousands of them died. Those who remained, as well as those who fled, lost their citizenship and their property was seized. In 1951 over a thousand Banat Swabian-speakers were displaced in the Bărăgan Steppe of southeast Romania. where they founded new villages. Almost all of the displaced were allowed to return home in 1955.

Some Swabian families from both Romanian and Yugoslavian Banat managed to flee to Germany in the immediate postwar years, and some of them were helped by French Prime Minister Robert Schuman to settle in France as Français du Banat .[2]

In the 1960s, however, the political atmosphere relaxed. The policy of disfranchising and dispossessing the Nazi collaborators within the German-speaking minority ended. Once again all Banat Swabians could enjoy the full rights of Romanian citizenship. It was at this time that the final departure of the Banat Swabians for Germany began. The Transylvanian Saxons made similar decisions. Even though the Swabian families of the Danube and Banat Swabians had lived in the region for ten generations and more, and although their culture had developed quite differently from Germany's, they no longer trusted the Romanian communist government.

In 1965, Nicolae Ceauşescu came to power in Romania. At first he opened the country to the West, but by the end of the 1970s, he had become ultra-nationalistic and an opponent of all ethnic minorities. Under his rule, any Banat Swabian who chose to emigrate had to pay a bounty of more than a thousand marks (depending on age and education) for a permanent emigration visa. Nevertheless, Banat Swabians annually left by thousands well into the 1980s. An economic crisis of the communist state, as well as a rumor concerning a village destruction project, caused 200,000 to flee Romania during that time.[1]

After Ceauşescu's fall in 1989 and German Reunification in 1990, almost all the remaining Banat Germans in Romania enthusiastically left for Germany. As a consequence, the ethnic German population in Romania is now greatly reduced. Some emigrants are returning, generally entrepreneurs with economic ambitions supported by the German nonreturnable grants for development projects outside Germany. Since the economic crisis, their wish to returned increased, but most of them sold their properties when they left.

Of about 750,000 ethnic Germans who once lived in Romania, less than 75,000 remain today. Only in cities with large populations is there a functioning German cultural life, usually aided by uninterrupted Romanian State subsidies and Romanian inhabitants' help. Still, the Allgemeine Deutsche Zeitung is a strong weekly paper, and the German State Theater in Timişoara (Deutsches Staatstheater Temeswar), subsidized by the Romanian government, produces permanent theatre shows. In Timişoara and Arad, there are German-language primary and secondary schools, attended mostly by Romanian students. The ethnic Germans (including Banat Swabians) left in Romania are represented in politics by the DFDR or Demokratisches Forum der Deutschen in Rumänien (Democratic Forum of Germans in Romania).


While the Swabians from other areas of Yugoslavia were lucky enough to escape, or were just expelled, the destiny of Banat and Bačka Swabians was less fortunate. Due to the high level of conscription among males, mostly women, children and elderly people remained in the villages, and they were unwilling or unable to flee. Following the Red Army invasion in October 1944, women were subject to indiscriminate rape by Red Army soldiers. Later on, Swabians who had been in any way involved – or were suspected of having been involved – with military administration were placed in provisional concentration camps. Many were tortured, and at least 5,800 were killed. Others were used as forced labor. After Christmas 1944, around 30,000 younger people, chiefly women, were transferred to labor camps in the Soviet Union by train, escorted by Partisans. In the framework of agricultural reform, partisan families – chiefly migrants from war-torn Bosnia, Lika and Montenegro – took over abandoned Swabian farms and houses. In March 1945, the surviving Swabians were ghettoized in "village camps", later labelled "extermination camps" by the survivors; the death rate in fact ranged as high as 50%.[3] The most notorious such camp was in Knićanin (formerly Rudolfsgnad), where an estimated 11,000-12,500 deaths occurred.[4] Children, by then mostly orphaned, had their own sections in these camps; most of them were later transferred to state homes and families, and lost their ethnic identity. In 1947, the situation improved, as foreign humanitarian aid reached the camps, and their regimes were loosened. The camp system was closed down in March 1948, and the inmates were conscripted for work in the army or industry. Their flight was usually tolerated, and by the end of 1950s, around 300,000 Swabians had gradually emigrated to Western countries.[3]

According to a study conducted in 1961 by the German historian Hans-Ulrich Wehler, later supported by German emigrant organizations, 7,200 Swabians were shot by the Partisans, around 2,000 deported to the Soviet Union, and some 48,000 died in labor camps. Around 16.8% of the Swabians died during and after the war in Yugoslavia.[5]

The Serbian census from 2002 records 3,901 Germans in Serbia, of which 3,154 were in the province of Vojvodina.[6][7] In December 2007 they formed their own minority council in Novi Sad, which they were entitled to with 3,000 voter signatures. The president, Andreas Biegermeier, stated that the council would focus on property restitution, and marking mass graves and camp sites. He estimated the total number of remaining Danube Swabians in Serbia and their descendents at 5,000–8,000.[8]


In Hungary less than 62,000 Danube Swabians remain,[9] but they do have political representation. One city and several villages have German-speaking mayors . Explusion of the Swabian minority from Hungary took place only between 1945 and 1948.

Swabians in Emigration

The Banat Swabians who emigrated to Germany are generally well integrated into the society in which they live. They keep contact through cultural organisations (Landsmannschaften). In Vienna and in southern Germany, where most Banat Swabians now live, they maintain their customs and dialect, and offer support to those who remain in Romania.

Notable Banat Swabians


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